My title says it all. Of course, I’m sick again, (damn low white counts!), it’s never ending, my chemo is giving me a belly ache, and my students were balls of energy. Along with “lady problems”, it was a perfect storm of days. So what did I do? Got home, let Ace run around the…
so I changed my mind
a little vitamin d
It’s amazing how much a little vitamin D can change a mood. Minnesotans have had a rough, long, horrid, freezing, miserable, winter. Being a teacher, I definitely felt the repercussions of kids not being able to get outside, (“stop tapping your pencil!”, “no, you can’t bring in snowballs to the lunchroom”, “quit poking each other!”…
the eve of one year
today’s inspiration
Make it Count
Sometimes we’re too quick to count the days, instead of making the days count.
shooting the arrow forward (sort of)
After meeting with multiple doctors, making some tough decision, (to have surgery or not have surgery?), a plan was developed to move forward. My fabulous doctor at the Mayo Clinic did everything he was supposed to do. He comforted us and reminded us that I was going to be given the best care possible, and…