I forgot the way the crisp, spring breeze runs wild through the trees, making the branches dance.
I forgot how a simple song through the patio speakers rock me to sleep.
I forgot how much the sun’s warmth is needed on my cheeks.
I forgot how the birds sound, singing their joyous little songs.
I forgot how Ace looks when he stalks wildlife in the woods.
I forgot how much I awe at the sprouts of my peony plants.
I forgot how fast time works when I relax on the patio.
I forgot how vibrant green the grass grows.
I forgot the peaceful smell of new life; new growth.
I forgot how every aspect of spring reminds me of my grandma.
I forgot how much my heart hurts.
I remember how much I miss her.
I remember how her face would light up when any of her grandchildren entered a room.
I remember her and my grandpa pointing out each bird by it’s song.
I remember how she looked watering plants; peaceful & at-home.
I remember her mouth-watering oatmeal.
I remember her spunk & sass.
I remember her hugs.
I remember her.