Along with a full heart, this week also brought a chest cold.
Getting sick has been pretty consistent the last couple years. I always know, a sixth sense if you will, the moment I pick to stay out late and get less rest, I can expect a cold to knock on my door a few days later. As a teacher, I’m even MORE susceptible to germs & whatnot. In my classroom you can hear me constantly saying, “wash your hands.. don’t cough on my desk… you can keep my pencil, I just saw you chew on it.” A low white count never help with staying healthy either, [although at my last blood draw my counts were as close to a normal person as I’ll ever get!]
One thing I lean on to keep my body functioning and fighting sickness is healthy eating & drinking. This week I have drank more water then, well, ever. It is unbelievable how much of a difference it makes. I have more energy, my skin feels softer, etc… I definitely know why this is preached. Green drinks have been making their way back into my morning routine, [I think this also helps in feeling good], and I frequent Simple Green Smoothies for inspiration – they’re currently doing a April Green Smoothie Challenge & it has some good stuff!
Okay, I’m rambling..
My point – eating healthy has helped keep my chest cold in it’s place. I have been devouring my new spinach salad recipe at lunch & it’s not because I only have 15 minutes to eat – it’s delicious!
Quinoa Spinach Power Salad
Gather the following ingredients:
- 2 cups of spinach
- 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
- 1/4 cup cooked quinoa
- 1 avocado
- light olive oil
- Cut cherry tomatoes in half & combine all ingredients, except avocado & olive oil, in a bowl. [I usually prepare and let sit over night so it’s less hassle in the morning]
- Before eating, cube avocado, add, & drizzle with olive oil.
**You can always add a bit of sea salt and pepper for additional flavor!