I want you know to know, I get it.
I get it when a cold is not just a cold.
I get it when you order a water instead of a cocktail.
I get the need extra naps on the weekends, [who doesn’t?!].
I get the hard conversations and the uneasy tensions from those who don’t understand.
I get when you have to leave early because of chemo problems.
I get the tough decisions you have to make for your best health.
I get it when you’re on your island.
I get it when you have to choose; you can’t do it all.
I seriously get it when you can’t give it all.
I get the balance is hard.
I get it when you forget & get lost in the moment.
I get you when it’s hard to stay positive.
I get it when you just have to tip the scale and risk it all.
Hey you, I get it. We’re in this together; You’re not alone.
I love you! Continue to surround yourself with supportive people who get it. There are a lot of good ones! 🙂 It’s okay that not everyone will. A few are actually too busy, some are fighting their own battles, and others are just self absorbed. The world has to deal with them all, but you don’t.